Immigration & Legal

We strive to provide you with clear, accurate, and up-to-date resources to help you understand German law and immigration procedures.

In this section, we delve into a wide range of topics related to immigration and legal matters. Whether you’re exploring the possibility of obtaining a work permit, looking for guidance on permanent residency, or seeking advice on family reunification laws, our guides are designed to assist you in navigating the legal landscape of Germany with ease.

We also provide practical information on things like obtaining a driving license, changing your address, and even tips on buying property in Germany.

For those considering a more long-term stay in Germany, our resources on immigration procedures, residence permits, and even the application process for a “yellow card” or resident permit will prove invaluable.

The Immigration & Legal section of GermanyExpat aims to provide you with a solid foundation of knowledge on German law and immigration procedures. Whether you’re a foreign worker, an international student, or a prospective immigrant, our guides offer valuable insights to help you comply with legal requirements and settle comfortably in Germany. Explore our resources today and take a step towards a successful stay in Germany!

Tax Classes in Germany: A Complete English Guide [year]

The tax class system in Germany plays a pivotal role in determining how much income tax you are liable to pay. As a result, understanding this system is essential for anyone earning an income in Germany, especially for those who may not be fluent in German and seek resources in English. This article aims to … Read more

Thriving as a Freelancer in Germany: A Complete Guide [year]

The landscape of freelancing in Germany offers a vibrant and dynamic environment for expatriates and entrepreneurs. This article serves as a comprehensive guide, designed to navigate the intricacies of freelancing within the German context. Understanding the legal and financial aspects of freelancing in Germany is crucial, as these elements are significantly different from many other … Read more

Gun Laws in Germany: A Complete Guide [year]

Germany possesses a unique and stringent set of laws governing firearms. For foreigners living in Germany, legal professionals, and those with a vested interest in public safety, comprehending these laws is not just a matter of legal compliance, but also an essential aspect of integrating safely and responsibly into German society. This article aims to … Read more

Autobahn Speed Limit, Safety, and Rules: The Ultimate Guide

The Autobahn in Germany is not just a network of highways; it’s a symbol of engineering prowess and efficiency. Stretching over 13,000 kilometers, it connects various cities and regions across the country, forming one of the densest road networks in the world. Renowned for its well-maintained roads and sections without speed limits, the Autobahn attracts … Read more

Car Registration in Germany: A Step-by-Step Guide [year]

In Germany, registering a car is not just a formality; it’s a legal requirement. Whether you’re a new car owner, an expat, or a long-term resident, understanding the car registration process is crucial to legally driving your vehicle on German roads. This article serves as a comprehensive guide, simplifying the process and ensuring you’re well-informed … Read more

German Passport Application: A Complete 2024 Guide

Obtaining a German passport can be a significant milestone for those living in Germany, whether as long-term residents or aspiring citizens. It facilitates international travel and serves as an official document of identification within and outside the European Union. In this article, we aim to provide a comprehensive guide on how to apply for a … Read more

German Residence Permits [Complete 2024 Guide]

Acquiring a residence permit is not merely a formality but a legal requirement that serves as the cornerstone for your life in Germany—whether you intend to study, work, or reside permanently. This article aims to elucidate the types of residence permits available, eligibility criteria, and steps involved in the application process, among other aspects. Key … Read more

Tax Identification Number in Germany [A 2024 Guide]

The complexities of taxation in a foreign country can be an overwhelming experience. For foreigners residing in Germany, one of the critical elements of this journey is obtaining a tax identification number. This alphanumeric code serves as your unique identifier for all tax-related matters during your stay in Germany. This article aims to guide you … Read more

CBD Gummies in Germany: Legality, Benefits, and Buying Tips

As awareness and interest in the potential benefits of CBD (Cannabidiol) grow globally, Germany has also seen a surge in the availability and use of various CBD products. Among these, CBD gummies are gaining traction for their ease of use and palatable taste. But what exactly are CBD gummies, and how do they differ from … Read more

CBD in Germany: Legal Status & Where To Buy It (2024)

Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, has become a household name in many parts of the world. Garnering attention for its purported health benefits, CBD has entered various markets, from wellness supplements to cosmetics. The topic of CBD is no less relevant in Germany, a country known for its stringent regulations around pharmaceuticals and health supplements. … Read more