Family & Parenting

Our goal is to provide you with the resources you need to understand and embrace family-friendly practices and benefits available in this country.

In this category, we cover a range of topics that cater to the needs of families and parents living in Germany. From understanding family reunification laws to exploring childcare options such as daycare and au pair services, we provide in-depth guides that make family life in Germany more manageable and enjoyable.

Are you considering having a child in Germany? Our articles on maternity leave and parental leave benefits offer comprehensive information to help you plan this exciting chapter of your life.

For parents with school-aged children, our guides on primary schools and international schools in Germany provide valuable insight into the educational landscape.

But we don’t stop at the practicalities of raising a family. We also delve into the cultural aspects of family life, such as getting married and even buying a home in Germany.

The Family & Parenting section of GermanyExpat is designed to equip you with the knowledge and resources you need to thrive as a family in Germany. Whether you’re a new parent, have a growing family, or are planning to start a family in Germany, our guides provide the support and information you need.

Giving Birth in Germany: Everything You Need to Know

Germany boasts one of the world’s most efficient healthcare systems, offering a high standard of prenatal and postnatal care. However, navigating this system, understanding local customs around childbirth, and managing communication barriers can be challenging for foreigners. This article covers essential topics from healthcare options and prenatal care to maternity leave and cultural practices associated … Read more

Daycare in Germany: What You Need To Know (2024)

Finding the right daycare for your little one is always a journey filled with both anticipation and apprehension. It’s that bittersweet moment when you realize your child is growing up and entering a new phase of life. Whether you’ve just touched down in Germany or have been here a while, this article aims to guide … Read more

Child Benefits in Germany [In-Depth 2024 Guide for Expats]

If you’re residing in Germany, the country offers various child benefits that can significantly lighten the financial load. It’s like Germany’s warm, welcoming hug to parents—just what you need when settling into a new environment. Understanding child benefits in Germany is not only crucial for better financial planning but also for ensuring your family takes … Read more

Divorce in Germany [Complete 2024 Guide for Expats]

Divorce is a deeply personal and often emotionally charged process that can become even more complex when you’re living abroad. If you find yourself navigating the intricacies of a divorce in Germany, it’s understandable to feel a little lost, especially when you’re also grappling with language barriers and unfamiliar legal systems. Whether you’re clear on … Read more

Family Reunification in Germany [English 2024 guide]

Living abroad can be an enriching experience full of new opportunities, but it can also bring its own set of challenges. One of the most difficult aspects of living in a foreign country is often the distance that separates you from your family. The good news is that Germany recognizes family’s essential role in your … Read more

Maternity Leave in Germany: Understanding “Mutterschutz” in 2024

Having a baby is a life-changing experience filled with hope, excitement, and sometimes, a whole lot of questions—especially when you’re far from home. Germany has its own unique set of rules and regulations for maternity leave, and understanding them can feel like navigating through a maze. The good news? You’re not alone. This article aims … Read more

Parental Leave in Germany: All You Need to Know (2024)

Germany is well-known for its robust social welfare system, and parental leave is no exception. Here, both parents have the right to take time off work to focus on the crucial early years of their child’s life without worrying about job security. Moreover, various forms of financial assistance help you during this period. Whether you’re … Read more