Shopping in Germany: Super Markets, Malls & Everything In Between

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Whether you’re meandering through cobblestone streets lined with boutiques that have been family-owned for generations or navigating the gleaming halls of a state-of-the-art shopping mall, the experience of shopping in Germany is unlike any other.

In Germany, shopping is not just a mundane task; it’s often seen as a leisurely activity. There’s a certain “Gemütlichkeit”—a term that conveys the warmth and coziness of German life—that is felt even when shopping.


  • German grocery stores like Aldi and Lidl offer quality products at budget-friendly prices.
  • Department stores and malls such as Galeria Kaufhof and Königsallee provide high-end shopping experiences.
  • Outdoor and farmers’ markets are ideal for fresh produce and local delicacies.
  • Apotheken and Drogerien serve different functions, with the former focusing on medical needs and the latter on general toiletries and household items.
  • Cash is still the preferred payment method in many places, though card and mobile payments are growing in acceptance.
  • Souvenirs range from kitschy tourist items to authentic regional crafts, with location often dictating quality.

The Quintessential German Supermarket: Where Quality Meets Affordability

If you’ve ever stepped into a German supermarket, you’d agree that it’s an experience that blends efficiency with a keen focus on quality. Forget about the glaring lights and endless aisles you may be accustomed to in other countries.

Here, supermarkets often feel cozy yet organized, stocked with a range of products that are both high in quality and surprisingly affordable. Local produce, a variety of bread, and an aisle dedicated solely to sausages—it’s not just a grocery store; it’s a small world of German culinary delights!

Popular Grocery Chains: From Discounters to Premium Markets

Germany is home to various supermarket chains catering to different needs and budgets. For budget-friendly options, Aldi and Lidl offer a good variety of products at affordable prices, often under their own labels.

On the other end of the spectrum, Edeka and Rewe provide a more extensive selection, including a plethora of international foods and gourmet items. Then there’s Kaufland, a hypermarket where you can get everything from groceries to electronics. Each chain has its own distinct ambiance, and locals often have a favorite depending on their needs.

The Organic (“Bio”) Phenomenon: Quality Over Quantity

In Germany, the term “bio” is more than just a label; it’s a lifestyle. You’ll frequently come across dedicated “bio” sections even in regular supermarkets, and there are entire stores like Alnatura and Denn’s Biomarkt that specialize in organic products. Whether you’re searching for pesticide-free fruits or ethically-sourced meats, the emphasis here is on quality and sustainability.

In fact, the German commitment to organic food is such that even discount stores like Aldi offer a respectable range of “bio” products. So, while shopping, look for the “Bio-Siegel” label if you want to treat yourself to some organic goodness.

Department Stores and Malls

shopping in germany

A Stroll Down Elegance: The Grand Department Stores

If the grocery stores are cozy and functional, the department stores in Germany are grandiose and elegant, often located in historically significant buildings. Stepping into a Kaufhof or Karstadt feels less like entering a store and more like walking into an opulent cultural institution.

Chandeliers might dangle from high ceilings, and the merchandise often includes a curated selection of both globally renowned and locally esteemed brands. You’re not merely out for shopping; you’re indulging in an experience of luxury blended with German precision.

A Kaleidoscope of Choices: Quality Meets Variety

What sets German department stores apart is not just the architecture but also the range of products you can find. Whether you’re looking for high-end fashion, kitchen gadgets, or even exotic foods, these stores are designed to cater to every conceivable need and whim. It’s a one-stop-shop where quality reigns supreme, and the price tags often reflect this. Expect to find exclusive items that you wouldn’t see in your average mall back home, from finely crafted German cookware to designer handbags.

The Shopping Palace: Modern Malls With a Twist

Modern malls in Germany are a testament to the country’s knack for blending the contemporary with the traditional. While you’ll find all the global brands you’re familiar with, look out for German retailers that provide a localized shopping experience. There’s often a nod to German culture, perhaps through a specialized pretzel shop or a store selling high-quality leather goods.

And don’t be surprised if, amidst the commercial buzz, you find an art installation or a small classical music ensemble playing in the corner. In Germany, shopping doesn’t have to be a run-of-the-mill experience; it can be a cultural outing.

Outdoor Markets and Farmers Markets

The Local Theater: A Feast for the Senses

Imagine stepping into an open-air stage where each stall is like a separate act in a vibrant play. The butcher calls out today’s special on bratwurst while a nearby florist arranges a kaleidoscope of flowers, their fragrance mingling with the robust aroma of fresh coffee from a vendor down the lane. This is the experience of shopping at a German outdoor market. It’s a feast for the senses, where the colors are brighter, the smells are richer, and even the chatter seems to have its own unique cadence.

Seasonal Splendors: The Rhythm of Nature’s Bounty

What you’ll find at these markets often reflects the rhythm of the seasons. Come spring; you might encounter stalls brimming with white asparagus, a German favorite. Summers could bring you face-to-face with an array of berries and fresh herbs. Autumn? Ah, it’s a time for pumpkins and the first batches of new wine. Winter markets morph into enchanting Christmas markets, where you can shop for holiday trinkets while sipping on mulled wine.

It’s not just about buying food or knickknacks; it’s about experiencing the German way of life, deeply connected to the rhythms of nature.

More Than Shopping: A Cultural Experience

If grocery stores are about efficiency and department stores about luxury, outdoor and farmers markets are all about community and culture. It’s where locals catch up on gossip, where elders share cooking tips with the younger generation, and where vendors take immense pride in the goods they’ve either grown or crafted. Whether it’s hand-knitted scarves or artisanal cheese, the emphasis is on locally-made, high-quality products. You’ll likely walk away not just with a basket full of goods but with stories, recipes, and maybe even a few new friends.

Pharmacies and Drugstores

TypeExamplesMain FocusAdditional Services
Apotheken (Pharmacies)Local independent pharmaciesPrescription medications, Health ConsultationsBlood pressure checks, Vaccinations, Skincare products
Drogerien (Drugstores)DM, RossmannToiletries, Cosmetics, Household ItemsOrganic and Fair Trade Sections

Apotheken Versus Drogerien: A Tale of Two Shops

While the terms “pharmacy” and “drugstore” might be used interchangeably in some countries, in Germany, they are distinctly separate establishments. “Apotheken” are pharmacies where you can get prescription medications and consult pharmacists about health concerns. The ambiance is often clinical but warm, with pharmacists offering professional advice with a reassuring smile.

On the other hand, “Drogerien” like DM and Rossmann are more akin to drugstores, featuring an array of toiletries, cosmetics, household items, and over-the-counter meds. The atmosphere here is generally more relaxed, more akin to a supercharged convenience store than a clinical space.

Unveiling the Shelves: The Cornucopia in German Drugstores

Strolling through the aisles of a German drugstore is akin to walking through a mini-mall dedicated to personal care and daily essentials. From organic baby foods to an impressive range of eco-friendly cleaning products, you can spend a good chunk of time just exploring.

Don’t be surprised to find that even these everyday havens place an emphasis on quality and sustainability. They often offer extensive “bio” (organic) and “fair trade” sections, so you can shop ethically while ticking off your grocery list.

Your Friendly Apotheken: More Than Just Medicines

Don’t underestimate the role of an Apotheke in Germany; it goes beyond just a place to fill out prescriptions. Many offer a range of additional services like blood pressure checks and vaccinations.

Plus, these establishments are often the go-to places for quality skincare products. Want a reliable sunblock for the surprisingly sunny German summer or a rich moisturizer for the cold winter? Your neighborhood Apotheke will likely have top-tier options with dermatologist-backed credentials.

Tech and Electronics

Navigating the Silicon Jungles: Where Engineering Meets Aesthetics

Ah, technology—Germany’s other great love affair alongside automobiles and beer! As a country renowned for its engineering prowess, you can bet that the tech shopping scene is nothing short of exceptional.

Whether you’re stepping into a colossal Media Markt store or exploring a boutique shop specializing in high-end audio equipment, there’s a palpable sense of precision and innovation in the air. The products are displayed not just to be sold but to be admired, like miniature works of art.

Brands and Budgets: A Smorgasbord of Options

From flagship releases of global giants like Apple and Samsung to homegrown brands like Sennheiser and Leica, the choice is so extensive it can almost feel overwhelming. But fear not! German salespeople are generally well-versed in their areas of expertise and can guide you through your purchase with the grace of a museum curator.

Whether you’re on the lookout for a robust gaming PC, a new lens for your camera, or perhaps the latest smart home gadget, you can find something that fits both your needs and your budget.

Consumer Rights and Warranties: The Unspoken Luxuries

Let’s talk about something that many shoppers overlook but is of immense value—consumer protection laws. Germany has some of the strongest in the world. The standard warranty for most electronic goods is two years, but what sets Germany apart is the ease and transparency of the returns and repairs process.

If your new smartphone starts acting up or your headphones are not as crisp as they should be, resolving these issues is generally hassle-free. Plus, in many cases, you’ll find that staff go above and beyond to ensure that you leave the store happy with your purchase—or your problem resolved.

Payment Options When Shopping in Germany

Cash is King: The Traditional Favorite

If you’re from a country where digital wallets and credit cards rule the day, Germany’s fondness for cash might come as a surprise. Yes, even in this land of engineering marvels and high-speed autobahns, the jingle of coins and the rustle of banknotes are sounds that accompany almost every transaction.

Many smaller shops, outdoor markets, and even some cafes still operate on a cash-only basis. So, it’s always a good idea to have some Euros tucked away in your wallet.

Learn more about currency in Germany here.

Cards and Contactless: Slowly Gaining Ground

That said, plastic and contactless payment options are slowly but surely making inroads into the German payment landscape. Most larger stores, supermarkets, and department stores will accept debit cards, known as “Girokarte,” and increasingly credit cards as well.

Contactless payment options like Apple Pay and Google Pay are gaining acceptance, particularly in cosmopolitan areas and younger, hipper establishments. If you’re in a bigger city like Berlin or Munich, you’ll find the transition from cash to card smoother than in smaller towns or rural areas.

Mobile Payments and Apps: The New Kids on the Block

While not as widespread as in some other countries, mobile payments are starting to find their feet in Germany. Apps like PayPal and local services are often available, especially in stores targeting a younger audience or those with an international clientele. QR codes are sprouting up at restaurants and even some outdoor markets, making it easier to go completely cashless—if that’s how you roll.

Related: Cost of Living in Germany in 2023

Shopping Etiquette and Tips

The Unwritten Rules: Understanding the Local Nuances

Ah, the fine dance of German shopping etiquette—it’s a blend of efficiency and formality, with a sprinkle of unspoken rules that locals navigate with ease. For instance, bagging your own groceries at supermarkets is the norm, not an exception.

And while self-service is common, it’s considered polite to greet shop owners or staff with a friendly “Guten Tag” upon entering and a “Auf Wiedersehen” when leaving. These gestures may seem simple, but they’re woven into the cultural fabric, a way to show respect and acknowledgment.

The Queue Culture: A Lesson in Civic Virtue

The art of queuing is taken quite seriously in Germany. Whether you’re waiting at a busy Berlin bakery or in line at a Munich department store, the protocol is clear: no cutting, no pushing, and certainly no impatience. It’s not just about waiting your turn; it’s about respecting the collective order.

You might even spot numbered ticket machines in some places to make the process as fair and efficient as possible. This dedication to orderliness is not mere rigidity; it’s a cultural hallmark that underscores the German commitment to social harmony.

Sales and Bargaining: Knowing When to Hold ‘Em

If you’re from a culture where bargaining is the norm, brace yourself: in Germany, the price tag usually speaks the final word. However, during sale seasons, particularly the bi-annual “Schlussverkauf” (closing sale), you can snag high-quality items at discounted prices. These sales are events in themselves, where the thrifty meet the spendy in a jubilant celebration of commerce. But even then, the aura of civility remains; sale signs are displayed discreetly, and customers sift through discounted items with a sense of dignified urgency.

Souvenir Shopping

A Keepsake Kaleidoscope: From Kitschy to Classy

If you’ve wandered around any German city or quaint town, you’ll know that Germany takes its souvenirs seriously. There’s something for everyone, whether you’re drawn to the kitschy appeal of “I Love Berlin” T-shirts and faux Bavarian beer steins or prefer something more understated and authentic.

It’s a realm where the quirky and the traditional waltz together, offering you mementos that range from the whimsically humorous to the artfully crafted.

Regional Treasures: A Palette of Local Flavors

Each region has its own signature souvenirs that reflect its unique culture and history.

In Bavaria, you might find yourself tempted by Lederhosen or a genuine cuckoo clock, while in the North Sea region, you could pick up some maritime-themed decor like a miniature lighthouse or ship-in-a-bottle. If you’re in the mood for something edible, consider locally-produced honey, wine, or artisanal cheese.

And let’s not forget the famed Christmas ornaments if you happen to visit during the winter months—each one an intricate masterpiece that echoes the charm of Germany’s Christmas markets.

The Art of Choice: Knowing Where to Look

When it comes to souvenir shopping, the location often dictates the quality and authenticity. While tourist-centric shops are convenient and abundant, they may not offer the most unique or authentically German items.

For something a bit more special, try visiting local craft fairs, seasonal markets, or even specialty boutiques. These places often offer goods that are not just “Made in Germany” but also imbued with the local character and craftmanship that make them truly memorable keepsakes.

Related: New to Germany: A Newcomer’s Guide to Living in Germany


Sofia, our esteemed Relocation Expert. Born and raised in the dynamic city of Berlin, Sofia’s profound understanding of Germany’s lifestyle, customs, and regulations makes her an indispensable asset to our platform.

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